Breakfast! Do you take the time – a morning break – to eat healthy, good brain/body food, everyday?
Many people do not eat anything in the morning. I eat mostly the same. Some veggies + eggs every day, all year!
So in my way in searching for new colorful E A S Y + oh so yummi recipies – I found this berry berry chia breakfast with glutenfree granola.
It’s a dessert for breakfast! And it helps your body perform and your mind stay focused all morning. I like!
1 pinch vanilla, 125 g berries (I used raspberries. Or your choice), 3 tbsp coconut. desiccated, 3 tbsp chia seeds, 250 ml plant milk (I use coconut milk). If you want to add some pinches of orange peal and 5 tbsp fresh orangejuice (from one organic fruit, not a carton!).
Mash berries (with a fork). Add the rest of the ingredients. PAUSE: Let it soak while you shower … for aprox 25 min.
Top with glutenfree Granola + some nutty butter (I prefer peanut!).
If in season: some fresh berries and mint leaves for the taste and extra color. Or whatever fruity crunchy toppings you prefer.
One portion is actually a HUGE breakfast. There’s enough for two or enjoy for two days. (Leftovers should be kept in the fridge for two days).
You can let it soak overnight. It becomes a bit “too cold” and stif, for my taste … but leave it outside the fridge for 20 min. – the coconut milk, the berries, will get more round and tastefull flavour when it’s not too cold.
Not sweet enough: add two medium size dates and blend them in the plant milk. Or simply chop them in perfore serving. Perfect for dessert or snack after training.
I’ll let you know soon in a future post.
POST BY Yummi Design 2016